
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Yarns for February and March

In the annual tradition of breaking one's New Year's Resolutions, I've sort of given up on spinning. I am having some stress issues with my hands that make spinning and knitting untenable at this time.

However, I did manage to spin some yarns in February and March that I can show off:

pink yarn
can't wait to knit this up, when I can knit again... :/

Half of this is a roving purchased from my friend Riin at Happy Fuzzy Yarn. The straight up pink ply is something I carded on my drum carder.

superwash sock yarn
sock yarn! superwash and nylon blend

I bought this superwash natural colored merino... well, it's not exactly roving, but somewhat prepped... back at Greencastle's Fiber Event years back. (When I lived in Illinois; as Greencastle is now a bit far for a day trip.)

I carded it on my drum carder, blended with nylon that was dyed orange or gold or yellow. It was pulled out into a sort of roving and spun fine. The second ply is unblended merino. It should show subtle striping when knit up.

blue yarn
spun from lincoln locks and silk hankies

The locks I purchased at a recent Spinner's Flock meeting, there are two colors - turquoise and a teal. They were roughly combed with, uh, combs, to open and blend them, pulled out into a sort of roving-esque preparation and then I attempted to corespin onto a very thin, light green commercial silk yarn (to varying degrees of success - there is more of that visible than there should be). That was plied with a teal silk ply made from hankies I dyed years ago.

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