
Sunday, September 22, 2013

And so on - more on scrappy plus blocks.

My big accomplishment this weekend was finishing cutting some pieces out of all my set aside fabrics for my Scrappy Plus quilt. I don't think I'm done cutting, just done with the first round. I wasn't counting while I cut, haven't counted what I cut before, will not be counting... at least not until they are finished blocks. Also, I will probably continue to buy new fabric for this quilt. It may never end. I bought one new one just today, actually.

Bags of 2" and 2.5" strips in front of the remains of the stack of fabrics.
I've been thinking about the process of making these blocks, while making these blocks, and though it appears from my last post that I make them one by one, that's not true. At least after that first block.

I do the first round sashing in groups of  5-8. Semi-chain piecing as I go; this cuts down on trips to the ironing board. I will always chain piece if I can help it. But I keep the group size small so that I don't end up with a confusing tangle of the extra sashing pieces, because I also don't want to be digging for stuff.

Sashing the first side.
After each side is attached, I press the blocks.
Then I lay the next piece on:

 I don't pin, 'cause I'm a cowboy.
Almost done!
 Then "square them up" (though they aren't square blocks).

Making sure to check it against my cheat sheet.
The whole group together:

Now the kids think we need to decorate the house with fabric.
For the second round of sashing, I do them individually, because I feel they then need my undivided attention. Or something may go wrong.

And here are all my finished blocks. I did not complete one today, well, not yet. The night is young!
So far there are eleven!

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