
Sunday, January 16, 2011

six imperfect hearts

Well, Valentine's Day is looming, and I'm thinking of entering a Valentine's Day crafting contest.

I've got fabric picked out and everything, but other things are looming (like birthdays!) and I'm not so sure it's going to happen. However. I made some screens for screen printing hearts. You know, in case I suddenly find myself with buckets of spare time.

Six, actually.

six hearts

Sigh. I know this is ugly. Red, black, and white is a color scheme I view with much abhorrence (also, apart from personal preferences, it's overused!), and this "design" is much too cluttered. But I was overeager to test out the screens and threw caution to the wind. Also, this is a shirt my daughter's outgrown and it was near to hand.

excuses! anyway, you'll see more of these, or you won't. Stay tuned!

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