They'd been my leader and ender project since then, but I decided to move them to the foreground project a few weeks ago, as I didn't feel I'd ever get done at the rate I was going. (Well, in between making shorts?) I finally chain pieced the last about a week ago, and on Wednesday I pressed the whole bunch:
It took at least three hours!
Then I began to pair them up on Thursday. Because they're going to be four patches for complicated when drunk blocks they need to have their seams pointing in a specific way, so I used a pin to mark which side the seam must be on. I once again denuded my favorite pincushion (the last time this happened was when I pinned the bias strips to applique for Orbits), but this time had to move on to strip pins from a second pincushion as well.
As of Thursday evening, about halfway:
As of Friday evening, they were all done, covering 10 of these trays and most of an 11th:
Well, honestly, the trick is not to think about everything that's ahead and just do the step in front of you. It is a monster, but it will get done. Just not right this minute.
A note on the trays! I saw these trays at Ikea, and I got a pack of four of them for the kids to use with their play food, but that same day, I found myself stealing them back to organize the fabric I was cutting for my Garden Party Tango quilt. Not long after I started using Lori Holt's portable design boards when I was assembling that same quilt. Someone suggested them on instagram when I was floundering with how to organize a block for sewing, and they are fabulous for block by block construction. But the trays work well for the other kind of construction (mass construction?) as well as just holding small pieces flat until they're sewn up into bigger pieces. I guess, I enjoy having options. I got two more sets recently because they seem so handy (and they are really inexpensive, too - but they only come in red).
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